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Saying ‘no’ to drinking under peer pressure

Alcohol is nothing but a drug of choice. Youngsters consider drinking and intoxication to be something trendy, failing to realize dangerous and embarrassing consequences.”What will they think about me, a dumb?” This is “silent peer pressure”, which forces them to drink against their wish. But they must learn to say ‘NO’ to alcohol under any impel. Mentioned below are ways in which teens can cope such situations.

1. Keep a check on your teen

For this they should have a weekly conversation with their children. Teens might reveal their experiences and what they think. Also be clear with your teen aged kids not to participate in alcohol drinking, taking of drugs and attending parties that are unsupervised.

2. Teach your children a bailout signal for times when it’s hard to say ‘no

Teach your children a bail out signal when they are under peer pressure like ‘I am having a stomachache (or a headache) and I need to go home right now’. Or they can also put the blame on you like ‘My parents will kill me if they get to know that I have done this’.

3. Plan to be the designated driver

Teach your children how to drive so that he can give the excuse of not taking the risk of drunken driving.

4. Don’t be fooled

If necessary you can teach children how to fool their peers instead of being fooled. They can walk around in the party with a cup filled with soda or water so that they do not have to face further pressure of drinking. If necessary teach them to be firm enough to leave the party for people who cannot party without drinking.

5. Alcohol and drugs can steal your power, so hang on to your power

Self-control is at times challenged by an ‘unspoken pressure’. This constrain is hard to resist as you are standing up to how you feel inside rather than standing up to a friend. This unspoken pressure comes from role models, parents, siblings, teachers and friends as well. So, it is the duty of parents to see the company their child is keeping.

6. ‘I don’t believe in putting poisons in my body’

Nothing can bring down a strong decision easily. Alcohol is definitely poisonous to the human body leading to many dangerous and negative consequences. This strong statement will make others understand that the person is strong in his or her resolution.

7. Suggesting other activities except drinking

Teach your child some activities that he can suggest to his friends to avoid the activity of drinking like dancing or playing games the whole night.

8. Use humor

Teach your kids how to smile and say ‘No, Thank you!’ or they can also use some humorous way to reply like ‘I am to perform neurosurgery in the morning’. After being forcibly handed with a glass of drink he can also set the glass down somewhere and walk away.

9. ‘No, thanks’

‘No, thanks’ is the best way to decline offers respectfully. This, when said with a smile on your face but in a firm tone, conveys the message clearly that you mean what you had just said. It also reflects a strong personality that cannot be easily influenced. Make your kids understand that saying ‘No’ to certain things in life is very essential.

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