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DO Hawaii harvests deep seawater to produce beer, face creams…!

13 in downtown honolulu 9

The less dangerous waters off Hawaii are warmer not only by nature, but also for a crew of former crab fishermen from Alaska. They have found a new livelihood out of them. They are harvesting water from 3,000 feet below the surface for use in everything from beer to face creams!

Engaged in desalinating deep seawater aboard its vessel off Oahu, the Honolulu-based company, Deep Ocean Hawaii has hired the crew to help it export the Hawaii water in giant bladders for use in other products, than for drinking water.

Though, the benefits and purity of any bottled water over treated tap water have been debated for years, it has been well justified that deep seawater doesn’t contain hormones, pollution, pathogens or other compounds as that of the water found above the thermocline layer.

The DO Hawaii and other companies reasonably claim this water as a commodity thousands of years old and protected from modern impurities and pollution by a layer of the ocean separating the warm surface water from colder water near the bottom.

Thus, with this message, the company seems to be able to sell well the cosmetics that it would bring into the market using water from 3,000 feet below the surface off Hawaii.


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