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Deserted boat found floating with 5,000 rare animals!


With many of south-east Asian species being banned from international trade for their being critically endangered, can ironically be found sold openly in restaurants and markets in China’s southern province of Guangdong — famous for its exotic cuisine.

Then it is for all reasons not surprising for the watchdogs to nab such traders every next day. But, to the surprise of all, a deserted boat has been spotted near the coast of China.

This is not what surprised the spotters, but what the boat was floating with – astonishingly it contained 5,000 of the world’s rarest animals, all of which are endangered, hunted, smuggled and now abandoned.

Reportedly, the cargo was found to be carrying 31 pangolins, 44 leatherback turtles, 2,720 monitor lizards, 1,130 Brazilian turtles and not to mention bear paws! Other animals include an Asian giant turtle.

With the pangolin populations of China, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia been wiped out, it has been banned form trade and sale. But, making a mockery of the ban, many Chinese restaurants openly offer delicacies of their meat.

Such a ‘Noah’s Ark’ is no new float in the seas, neither a restaurant serving you with pangolin or other rare species’ delicacies should raise you brows as everything is happening right under the nose of the guideline makers.


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