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Danish Climate Consortium led COP15 delegates to a green day trip

offshore wind farm

Lest the COP15 delegates should feel lost in the meaningless (as it turned out to be) brainstorming and begin to misrepresent the cause, the Danish Climate Consortium took liberty to enlighten them with the practical wisdom. The high-profile dignitaries including some Chinese energy officials, two energy ministers from Canada, the delegation from Sonoma County in California, and several engineers and scholars toured the world’s first off-shore wind farm in Middelgrunden.

Denmark’s largest energy utility DONG Energy erected the small wind farm that features a 40 MW array of 2 MW turbines manufactured by Siemens. The turbines are powering 25,000 homes and they require certain energy storage technologies to move from this time forth. Nevertheless, Denmark leads the rest of the world as far as the use of renewable energy is concerned.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1DVXKj609Y&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1]

Via: MNN

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