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About 15,000 people died in Bangladesh cyclone

people died in Bangladesh cyclone


Almost 15,000 residents were killed & nearly 7 million inhabitants were left horrified by this cyclone which took place in Bangladesh very last week.

According to the Bangladeshi Red Crescent Society, which is the nation’s most important humanitarian organization –nearly 3,000 dead bodies had come to the notice up till now from those villages which are completely devastated by Cyclone.

A worldwide aid attempt is encouraged by contributions from the – United Nations, United Kingdom, United States & European countries, was gradually pulverized into mechanism previous day because the International Red Cross approximated that — 900,000 families had been put in trouble by this cyclone.

Earlier cyclones took life of nearly 500,000 people in the year 1970 & approximately 143,000 inhabitants in the yeas 1991.

In the most terribly ruined districts, 90% of houses & 95% of rice yields & precious prawn farms were destroyed by the air streams, which produced a 20ft tidal gush that carried away all from its way.

Collapsed trees and swamped roads as well are badly obstructing the relief group’s efforts to contact the suffering villages near coast lines. Elephants were used in various regions to clean-up the rubble.

Tapan Chowdhury, a government consultant for food & disaster management, explained — the cyclone as a national disaster and made an appeal to common people to take a move towards the sufferers to help them out.

Some relief workers mentioned that things like food and other materials were yet insufficient and the administration should make an instant request for more worldwide help to ward off a human calamity.

Harisprasad Pal, a government officer from Barguna District mentioned that he never had a glimpse of disaster like this in his 20 years long period as a government officer. A number of villages have found to be devastated. Millions of inhabitants are forced to live out in open grounds due to circumstances and nearly 1 percent people are only getting help from these relief operations.

When local officials arrived at sites they found — sufferers were mostly dehydrated and in a condition of shudder.

One of the residents of the village Nishanbari — Sattar Gazi, whose age is 55 & he is a farmer mentioned in a statement that he lost his 6 relatives in the cyclone. He also said that he is very scared as he thinks that rest of them will breathe their last due to lack of food.

He also mentioned that for the dead bodies they have no clothes to cover them for their last ceremony. They are covering the corpses by leaves.

U.K declared an instant help of nearly — £2.5 million, at the same time the U.S asked 2 warships to enter from the route of Bay of Bengal to support this rescue and relief operations, dropping of foods and other materials to the regions through airplanes which are left isolated due to flooding.

The Foreign Office minister — Lord Malloch Brown mentioned in a statement that — We have offered for instantaneous help to the relief operations via United Nations and are always equipped to offer more and more help when needed.

In a prepared statement Pope said,

In renewing my deep condolences to the families and the entire nation, which is very dear to me, I appeal to international solidarity. I encourage all possible efforts to help these brothers who are suffering so much.

The Pope requested for an urgent worldwide support and help for those who are suffering as result of this calamity that happened in Bangladesh.

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