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Caspian Sea’s mysterious seal deaths jeopardizing species

sea coast of kazakhstan 9The mysterious death of hundreds of seals washed up on the Caspian Sea coast of Kazakhstan in the past two weeks has dealt a blow to the already dwindling Caspian seal – Phoca caspica.

In just a century, hunting to pollution threats has declined the species to astonishingly 10 percent of its numbers! And to add to their dwindling numbers, 363 dead seals have been found on the Caspian Sea coast of the Mangystau region, according to Kazakhstan officials.

The first carcasses were found between the Kalamkas and Karazhanbas oil deposits, most of them being pups. And, since then, the number of reported dead seals in the area is found to be growing daily.

Pollution is the main culprit behind their death, as pollutants accumulate in their body weakening their immune systems, and as a result cause infertility.

Such pollutants generally originate in heavy industry and eventually enter the Caspian Sea via rivers.

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