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Britain on top, US at bottom in addressing global warming

Britain on top, US at bottom in addressing global warming

Global warming was the main topic for discussion in the G-8 summit. Now all the developed nations as well as developing nations are seriously concerned on this issue. The matter is getting from worse to worst at a very fast pace. So, in the last year G-8 summit in Germany, it was decided that this year’s meeting will be devoted to climate change.

The G8 Climate Scorecards 2008 was released on Thursday, declaring how practically all the great eight nations are dealing with the problem. According to this Scorecard, U.S. has done almost negligible for the cause of global warming. On the other hand, Britain is ranked at the top, for the British government has done the most to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reach targets set by the Kyoto Protocol. Next to the list are France and Germany. Among the G8 countries, U.S. is the highest emitter of CO2 with the highest per capita emissions and an increasing trend in total emissions.

Canada and Russia are also placed at the bottom of the Scorecard, just above the U.S. Canada is second with a very high per capita emission and a steadily increasing trend in total emissions. In Russia, Carbon emission is increasing steadily since 1999, and the government has hardly any policy to check it.

Regine Guenther, director of the World Wildlife Fund says that if we don’t follow any rigid policy to check the CO2 emission now, no one can imagine what will happen to the world after 20 years. To speak the truth, none of the eight countries have done remarkable to control the climate change. Though Britain has reached the target set by Kyoto Protocol, still it was criticized for deriving only a small share of its power from renewable sources.

Lots of discussion have been done, many policies are made, many meetings have been organized; but yet no reduction in the Carbon emission. At this time, we need some rigidity, some sacrifice and some mutual understanding to give effect to the plans.

Source: msnbc

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