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Brazilian airplanes plan to fly on algae-derived bio-kerosene

to a boeingnasa study 9

High-altitude air pollution is becoming a matter of concern for the ozone hole and the environment as a whole. But, cutting down on journeys via air is no practical solution in this world of competitive lifestyle.

To find a solution at the roots, scientists are up with arms to innovate with the source of their emissions.

Cuing up these lines, the idea of building algal farms was also previously muted for fueling cars. According to ScienCentral News, today the world is technologically adapted to generate ten million tons of hydrogen.

But re-engineering of algae at the molecular level would generate ten times that amount. And, this can effectively curb greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuels, as per the report.

The Brazilian airlines too, are soon to power themselves with bio-kerosene derived from algae, following the common isssue of concern.

AlgoDyne Ethanol Energy Corp.’s Brazilian office will be leading algae-based bio-kerosene projects with airlines. It will also be integrating the company’s processes through joint ventures with several Brazil states.

In 2007, Prof. Franke will establish a planned ‘jatropha plants’ nursery also develop a pilot plant for producing ethanol with algae.

But, this plan of fueling airplanes is not that easy to bring to real use, as there is no single issue making bio-fuel unfit for aviation use. To make bio-fuels’ use in aviation industry a success; it needs to overcome several technical hurdles.

The bio-fuels to be developed need to be tailored for jet aircraft applications.


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