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Bears risk their lives for food grains laden on trains



Bears in the Rocky Mountains in Canada have taken to riding trains in search of easy food.

Three black bear cubs, each a few months old, had to be pulled down from train after taking a ride of 20 km on a train passing through national parks. The cubs and their mother have been climbing the trains in search of easily available food-the food grains being transported by the train. The mother being bold enough, jumps off the train when it starts moving, but the cubs, too young to be daring, are obliged to take a ride. This has happened twice in two days.

Hal Morrison, a specialist in wildlife-human conflict with Parks Canada in Field, British Columbia, said:

Mom can jump off but the little guys are too scared so they end up catching a ride.

Fallen gains from the rail cars have been constant temptation for the wild animals. This appears to be easy food for them and they are not able to assess the danger attached with it. This often proves to be fatal for the wild animals. Already, three black bears have been killed by the train.

The animals have been left with very little space for themselves. Even this has been encroached by humans by having rails and roads passing through it, including other human interference. In India, several wild animals are killed by the trains that pass through their habitats and migration passages.

We should think for a solution and give the animals their space for their free and safe existence. After all, they have an equal right to the planet as humans.

Source: Enn.com
Image Source: Camp5museum.org

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