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After 40 years Japan keeps its tryst with stork chick

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After 40 years of long wait a couple of rare and endangered storks in Japan have hatched an egg. It has been considered as one the most significant news for the nature lovers and it seems that the whole Japan is rejoicing it.

In 1980s the rampant deforestation and hunting of oriental white storks led to their extinction. Soon after that conservationists decided to breed stork and for the same oriental white stork were exported from Russia. The hard work and wait of four decades paid off when an oriental white stork chick emerged from its egg at the top of a 13m-high pole.

By nature these oriental white storks prefer a habitat away from human settlements. Fish and frogs are their main diet. Unfortunately, very few oriental white storks have survived and most have them are found in Russia and China.

Source: BBC

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