When you have many guests in the house, making sleeping arrangements can be a little challenging. The limitation of space can also make it challenging to make the necessary arrangements. In such cases, one of the most easiest and economical ways to ensure that you have enough of sleeping space is by having bunk beds.
Bunk beds are a lot of fun to sleep on. They are not only a great way to save space but also the perfect option for kids or adults. There are many innovative designs that you can consider while choosing the right style for your house. Let us check out a few stylish bunk bed options that you can use for your guest room.
The pull out mid air suspended bunk beds
In this idea, you can accommodate three bunk beds in a medium sized room. On the longer side of the wall, you can place two bunk beds and suspend them with the help of ropes. For the upper bunk, you can place a removable ladder so that the person can go up easily. When you are not using it, take out the ropes and let it go back on the wall. This way you can pull out the bunk whenever there is a need otherwise use it as a headboard for the lower bunk.
Four bunk beds with a long desk on the side
If the window is placed on the center of the wall that is long in size; then you can choose to have a pair of bunk beds on either side. For the wall that does not have any window on it, place a long wooden board that will serve the purpose of a study desk if needed. You can also place small sized that we can push underneath the desk when not in use.
The double bed and single bunk idea
You can have an entire family sleeping in the same room without any issues with the tree beds in a room option. On the lower level, have a double bed and keep a single bed on the bunk. On the side, have a small shelf that connects the bunks together wherein you can store anything that you want.
The double bed and double bunk idea
For a family of four, you can choose to have a double bed right for the adults. It will also be a good idea to have a window as a headboard instead of going for a wooden one. On the side of it, have a two-storied bunk bed with a simple ladder. This will be a good idea especially when you have a large family who keep on visiting your very often.
The all in one bunk bed
A unique and beautiful idea, you can have the provision of a study table on the one side and cabinets on the other with a set of bunk bed. For the lower side, have one bunk with a study table next to it. For the upper bunk option, keep a set of cabinets above the lower bunk. The upper bunk can be placed above the study table. This will give you the multiple advantages of a small sized cupboard, a study or computer table and sleeping arrangements. You can also place shelves above each bunk so that it can be used as a bookshelf or for storage purposes.
The play zone, cupboard and bunk option
In this idea, you can have a box L-shaped bunk bed on top with cabinets and Ross underneath it. Create two openings on either side to make it look like an entrance into a walk in play zone. This is an ideal concept when you have many kids in the house as they’ll get enough of space while playing. Instead of opting for regular ladder, you can choose to have a small step shelf rack, which serves the dual purpose of using it to go up and down. In the storage, you can place different items like books, toys etc.
Single bed with one bunk on top
With this concept, you can choose to have two single beds on the ground level with a centre table in between. Right above these beds, you can make one bunk bed option. This idea has a multifunctional benefit of combining the make it like a double bed when needed.