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A junk art tribute to Nike Sneakers: Excruciatingly cool

<![CDATA[dishaw junk nikes underside

What you see above is not a photoshopped image! This is a real Nike sneaker replica, dubbed ‘Junk Dunk‘, conceived and built by Gabriel Dishaw, who is a distinguished Metal sculpture artist. I’m not sure how it feels to walk around in those shoes, but this is one hell of a (excruciating!) way to pay a tribute. Gabriel ‘constructed’ these ‘Frankensteinish Terminator’ replicas of his favorite Nike sneakers from old computer and typewriter parts and a few rusted sprockets and nuts. After examining the creativity on this thing, I must admit he’s an ardent fan of them Nike Sneakers. However so, there’s still no way in this friggin’ earth one can dunk in those, atleast if he doesn’t want to spend the entirety of his life in a wheel chair or in the least, end up with severed toes.

dishawn pentium nikepair

To tell you the extent of his obsession for building these metallic Nike imitations, Gabriel even sacrificed one of his beloved shoes to provide a sole for the replica shown below. Hard work really paid off, as the end result is even way cooler than the originals. No matter how much I like them, my mortal bod doesn’t allow me to wear these ‘futuristic looking steampunk’ shoes. But you can’t stop the crazies from doing anything for their zeal. So, even with the ‘wounding’ risks involved, if you still are hell bent on wearing these sneakers, I would suggest you take a tetanus shot before that and wear real thick socks. LOL.

dishaw junk dunk original

All kudos to the designer, Gabriel Dishaw, for coming up with such freaking cool ideas. But still, one thing is for sure, a few freebies, save for the praise, if you dare to wear these sneakers are, severe pain, blisters and in the worst case, amputated toes.

terminator 1

junk dunk 6

junk dunk 7

Via: Make]]>

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