A guide to selecting the best colors for every room of your house

best colors for every room

Designing your living spaces is not just the structural layout and the materials used in constructing it. Without choosing the appropriate shades and colors for the walls of every room, it is incomplete. Picking out the right color for every room reflects the aesthetic sense of the homeowner and each color has a definite meaning and energy associated with it.

Let us take a look at the different colors that are commonly used in rooms and their inner meanings—

best colors for every room

  1. Red- This intense color gives a good first impression and raises the energy level of the room. Though it is a sensual color, it is more often used in living rooms and other common rooms that draw more people as it tends to pump a lot of adrenaline.
  2. Yellow- A very cheery color that is ideal for kitchens, dining rooms, and bathrooms. Yellow can be used in narrow and small spaces to make it look spacious. Even though it’s the color of sunshine and good for communications, the color is not used as the entire theme of the house, as it has negative energy when overused.
  3. Blue- It is a calm, serene and soothing color and tends to bring down anxieties and blood pressure. Blue is highly recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. Light shades of blue may be used as a common theme for all the walls of your homes, however, refrain from deep and dark blues, as it tends to have negative effects.
  4. Green- It has a relaxing effect, is very soothing to the eyes and has warmth. Hence green can be used as a basic color theme your homes; club greens with blue and yellow for an ideal house. Green also promotes fertility and is ideal for young couple’s bedrooms.
  1. Purple- The color is associated with richness and luxury and is ideal for a sophisticated living room. Light shades of purple give similar results as light shades of blues in bedrooms. Purple is also a color of creativity, it could be used aesthetically in your home offices too.
  1. Orange- It is an energetic color and evokes excitement and enthusiasm. Orange is ideal for your gym rooms as ancient cultures associate the color too high energy levels and healing the lungs. However, it is not good for bedrooms in particular.
  1. White- The pristine color associates itself with purity, freshness and new beginnings. It is a neutral color for all the rooms but needs to club with other colors to make the living space more lively and attractive.

Criteria for choosing different colors for your homes—

best colors for every room

  1. Aesthetics of the homeowner- The foremost reason for picking different colors is to satisfy the aesthetic sense of the house owner. This may evolve out of the owner’s occupation, social status or creativity. For example, a rich man may have deep purple walls with golden borders in his living room or a chef may choose red walls in her kitchen.
  2. Styling- Mixing colors and shades give a unique style to your living spaces and can even give a customized look if we take enough time to research the different shades. Uniqueness and rarity are all associated with style in the society, who wouldn’t want to have a hip home and be the talk of the town!
  3. Enhance your homes- Making use of the smallest spaces by giving them appropriate shades and hand picking colors for every room depending on its use, converts your living spaces to comfort zones. For example, there could be a need for a baby’s room and you need to convert a part of some other living space for welcoming the new member into your family. Or its summers and you want to change the color of the passage to light mint green to complement the season.
  4. Color psychology- When everything in our lives is going low; engage in updating your walls with desired positive energy imparting colors. Quite often, it changes our moods as the new colors on the walls evoke inspiration and motivation. We start looking at life from a positive viewpoint. Though not a prescribed therapy, but surely something you can try if you have tried everything!

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