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9 Toddler parenting mistakes

Toddlers are the bountiful source of energy trying to test everything and anything in existence. This is a time of rapid physical and mental development in a human being’s life cycle. Parents tend to commit mistakes while trying to handle the issues on their own. And if it is the ‘first time’ parents, the situation may get tricky.

Parenting is an awesome experience if carried out with zeal and joy. It can prove out to be the best job one can ever have. But while trying to give the best shot, sometimes we tend to either overdo or under do the things. Toddlers’ minds are in a developmental state. They act as a sponge. They will imbibe whatever they see or perceive on their own. No parents want to spoil their child but sometimes in ignorance or unknowingly, parents commit such mistakes which have a drastic effect on child’s overall personality. This effect sometimes gets wiped off with time but in contrary may mar the personality of the child throughout life.

The most common mistakes one tends to commit while parenting a toddler are:

1. Over protection

It is an innate instinct to protect your child. Nature has instilled it in all the living creatures. But over doing the things might cause serious developmental problems in the child. The child may grow up as a dependent individual. He might develop a feeling of insecurity and lack of confidence. This may also lead to inferiority complex in later years of life.

2. Paying less attention

Similarly, paying no or less attention towards the kid may make him feel unwanted or unworthy. Every action the kids perform is an achievement for them. What may seem as useless or unworthy to the parents might mean a lot to the child. They are inquisitive and their queries should be properly answered rather than avoiding or belittling them.

3. Being inconsistent

Parents tend to be inconsistent in their behavior. This only creates confusion in the kids. As they don’t understand the worldly pseudo tact; they can’t relate with what was once right became wrong in the changed situation. Their pure and innocent instincts perceive what they see and don’t analyze the situation. So try to get into their shoes and try to behave more rationally as per their view.

4. Unrealistic expectations

Sometimes parents may push their kids too hard to achieve some unrealistic goals. Always remember, they will evolve with due course of time. Pushing them hard, may result in frustration and strain among both kids and the parents.

5. Fighting back

Never answer or try to settle a loud issue in reciprocation. This will only strengthen the child’s notion of getting negative attention. As a parent you have to behave more responsibly and deal with him patiently.

6. Not trying to make a change

Many times parents tend to give in because of the perspiration it requires to either change or develop a habit. Then again, it may seem difficult in the beginning but with a bit of patience and perseverance you will succeed as a triumphant.

7. Authoritarian behavior

Trying to go hard with kids is the worst thing to do. Everyone in the family should be given appropriate respect and space. Even the kids demand positive affirmations. Not answering their gibberish questions and always trying to put a discipline will eventually develop a rebel inside or a docile person. Either way, the outcome is not good.

8. Going very easy with the kid

On the other hand, going very easy is also not the answer. You have to make him learn good habits and instill discipline. A spoilt brat is never acceptable in the society. So, just strike a balance between the two situations.

9. Not spending quality time

All that a child wants is your attention. In this commercial age, it is hard to spend full time at home. But do make sure to give proper time and care towards your kid. Check his eating habits, television hours and playing mates. If tried sincerely you could be his best friend and a great parent.

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