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5 Things parents need to know about teen dating

dating teen

You overheard your son talking in a suggestive manner to somebody on the phone. And you were perplexed as how did your kid come to know about all this? Now, you have no idea whether your son is dating someone and to what extent their relationship has progressed. It’s your responsibility to approach your kid in the right way in such a situation so that he understands your point of view.

Here are 5 tips which will help in dealing with the issue of teen dating successfully.

1. Hook up has a different meaning for teens

Parents should know about the fact that the meaning of hook up for the adolescents is different. You may perceive a hook up with hanging out and having romance with the partner. But these newbies have their own meaning for this terminology. They feel that hook up is all about love making and indulging in cupid acts. The adolescents are just like naiveté, they don’t know what’s right and what’s not? So, it then becomes the sole responsibility of the parents to make them understand the true meaning of this and move ahead gleefully.

2. Talk to them about sex

Parents usually shy away when it comes discussing about sex with their kids. It’s now or never. If you are not going to share the right information with them, then they will get it from peer groups, which is not always reliable or accurate. So, it is always recommended that the parents should break the barrier of talking explicit with their kids for their benefit. Always remember that kids are going to experiment with their sexual urges. So, if you don’t shed the stereotype and come out of your inhibitions, you won’t be able to show your teenage child the right track.

3. Set an example

It is difficult but not impossible. You have to be a role model for your child. Children really look up to their parents for guidance on how to deal with the outside world. So, try not to show any sort of affection that is unhealthy for your child. That doesn’t mean that you should not be hugging or pecking your partner in front of him. Just stick to some limits.

4. Discuss the emotional upheaval

Your teenager might be in a relationship but he is too young to know the emotional impact of such a relationship. You must have heard of teen dating violence. If not, then make your kid aware of it. The partner, usually the more aggressive party, tries to maintain power and control over the other through some kind of abuse, either physical or mental. This could even lead to suicide. Your child should feel safe enough to come to you for help in such a situation – this can only be accomplished in an atmosphere of trust and love. Some warning signs to look out for:

a. The child starts abusing drugs.

b. Sudden change in clothing or make up.

c. Change in personality or moods.

d. Avoiding eye contact.

5. Just say no

Parents should know when to say “no” to their children, especially teenagers. Your child is not always right. He may be asking your permission for the wrong thing. At that point, your refusal to allow for the activity might be the correct response. For example, if your child wants to go for a night out, allow him. Make a note of where he/she is going, with whom, and what their plans are. If you come upon something objectionable, tell them not to pursue it. However, a strong relationship with your child based on mutual trust is the key element to pursue a safe passage through the perils of adolescent dating.

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