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3 Factors That Contribute to High Employee Turnover

Factors That Contribute to High Employee Turnover

Since the dawn of time, the saying ‘its’s hard to find good help’ has been tossed around the professional world, regardless of industry, job title, or company location. That saying begs the question though, is it hard to find good help, or is it hard to keep it? As a business owner you must be able to focus on, and troubleshoot tons of details all day, every day with a top one being, the team you have built.

These are the individuals that you have selected and identified as the most competent and suitable people to keep your business running smoothly day in and day out. So why do you feel like you are constantly having to replace them? Be honest with yourself and consider the possibility that the problem might be stemming from within, not outside, the company structure.

1. Disconnect Between Leadership and Employees

Worker resignation

Another common business cliché is, people do not quit jobs, they quit bosses. This holds a lot of weight though if you can humble yourself enough to digest it. You might never be able to achieve a perfect harmony between all the types of personalities within your business, however what you can create is a healthy, consistent, and supportive foundation on which a great, lasting team can be built. Leaving no doubt for your employees that they work for a real human being, with humble leadership skills, strong communication, and objective perspectives can greatly help to reduce employee turnover over time.

2. The Wrong Tools

Handing out job assignments without also providing the correct tools to complete them is one of the quickest ways to lose a great employee. The level of frustration that can result from this and the pace that it can accelerate at can be hard to mitigate if you do not get in front of it. Talk to your employees, listen to their suggestions of what they need to be able to do their jobs. Ultimately you are the business owner will have the final say but learning how to make decisions that are in the best interest of the people they directly affect builds trust with your staff and can prevent them from resigning because of their frustrations.

Software solutions can also be a great assist here. Programs dedicated to providing data that management can analyze to optimize for efficiency can tell you what your employees might not be able to tell you themselves. Within the logistics industry, for example, the use of telematics that pulls engine data for teams to access and analyze can be of great benefit. This is information that your fleet manager, for example, may not be able to create, but having that information is essential for them to perform the duties of their job.

3. Less Than Desirable Benefits

work-from-home days

Especially in a post pandemic world, more and more employees are realizing that achieving a work life balance is not just nice to have, it is essential. The days of glamorizing the grind are seemingly over, and even the most dedicated and hard workers now desire a level of autonomy that allows them to work hard, and play hard, without consequence or fear of termination. Review the benefits and perks that you offer to your company and adjust accordingly. You might be happy to discover that the flexibility of a few work-from-home days, for example, can be the deciding factor for your best employees to determine if your company policies suit their personal ones, and ultimately deciding to stay on board.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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