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July 2007

Al Gore in Dinner Menu Controversy

In a recent dine out in occasion of the rehearsal dinner prior to her daughter’s marriage, Al Gore and his family were served with Chilean Sea Bass, or commonly known as Patagonian toothfish in crustacean restaurant recently, People magazine confirmed….


Peru initiates massive reforestation drive. Will others follow?

Devastation of forests by human beings is always in cover stories. This time a different kind of news made its way to the headlines. In a real human like activity, Peru has started an ambitious drive to regrow millions of hectors (acres) of forest, which.

Small thawing glaciers throw big threats this century: Experts

If you are fixing your eyes on the large Greenland and Antarctica glaciers, counting their devastating effects that may soon let open on the seas, rising levels and flooding banks, displacing millions of humans, giving birth to the same number of…

Small thawing glaciers throw big threats this century

Cultural traditions threaten echidna’s existence

Feared to have gone extinct since it is last seen around 60 years ago, the primitive mammal has brought back enough reasons for the conservationists to rejoice. I’m talking of the long-beaked echidna — the native to the island of New Guinea in the…

Asian parasites, not pesticides, killing Western bees: Study

The culprit behind the mass wiping out of the Asian honeybees from many countries, is now trying its merciless perdition on those in Europe – no, its no human, but a notorious parasite nosema ceranae.

The alarming disappearance of the honeybees…

Asian parasites, not pesticides, killing Western bees
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