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Your nails tell about your health

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Do you know that your nails hold a mirror to your health? Yes, you read it right. Here are some are some indications that may point out your obnubilated health problems.

1. If your nails are quite brittle then it may be an indication of iron deficiency, circulation problem, improper kidney function and thyroid problem.

2. Brittle nails may also be indicating nutritional deficiency, lack of protein, and hydrochloric acid.

3. If your nails are giving out yellow complexion then it could be an indication of internal disorders like problems with the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetes, etc.

4. Nails with white complexion could be an indication of zinc deficiency.

So, if you find any of these symptoms to don’t hand back from consulting this with your doctor.

Image credit: My Village

Via: Online Banglore

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