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Your birth weight portends your testicular cancer risk

testicular cancer riskWill testicular cancer strike you or not? Answer lies in the weight you were having during birth!

Credit for hurling up such mysterious concept goes to an analysis of 13 studies by Dr. Athanasios Michos, from Harvard Medical School in Boston, and colleagues.

As per the findings of this analysis, abnormal birth weight, whether it is more or less than normal weight, is linked to testicular cancer. Same analysis further revealed that where susceptibility to testicular cancer was 18 per cent for those born with low birth weight, it stood at 12 per cent for men born with high birth weight.

This finding is quite significant; however, what leads to such equation is still beyond researchers’ perception, which stresses the need of further rummage over this issue. According to an estimate, worldwide incidences of testicular cancer have almost doubled since the 1960s with countries like Germany, New Zealand and Scandinavia having maximum numbers of patients with testicular cancer. It is quite shocking that in the US alone, around 9,000 are diagnosed for testicular cancer, annually.



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