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Top tips for dieting if you have cholesterol issues

fat guy avoid fast food

Whether you are aware of it or not, numerous people suffer from high cholesterol. Some also go without treatment which may lead to diseases like heart attack and cardiac arrests in the long run sometimes leading to death. There are various medications that are required for people with high cholesterol but cholesterol can also be kept under control in a natural way.


Avoid junk food

The main priority that should be given while dieting is giving food that is free from cholesterol. Fried food and junk food like burgers, French fries and other deep fried food along with red meat should be avoided completely.

Reduce consumption of saturated fat

Saturated fats are victims to high cholesterol. One should have only about 16 grams of saturated fat in a daily diet. Try avoiding fat products like too much of dairy products, fried foods, red meat, and food from outside.


Have more of fibre and protein

Add more fibre to your diet. Try having food like green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, more of oats, beans, and pulses. Fibre helps you to regulate the blood circulation in your body, and also helps to reduce bad cholesterol.


Have more of nuts and olive oil

Try consuming some of these foods on a regular basis for increasing the amount of good cholesterol in your body. Food like almonds, walnuts and pistachios, oats, more of olive oil, fruits like peaches and apricots, fish oils and other food that helps increase good cholesterol. Also include more of vegetables and plants in your diet, and stanols as well.

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Exercise your way to staying slim

The best secret to reduce cholesterol is to stay slim and healthy. The best way to do that is reduce the increase of calories in your diet. Overweight people usually are seen to have more cholesterol then people who are in good health. This helps to increase risk of blood pressure and heart attacks as well.

These are a few tips by which you can decrease the cholesterol in your diet. Though all food contains at least some amount of cholesterol, try to consume as less as possible and have a balanced diet for great health.


High amount of cholesterol can lead to many diseases that may affect your health in the long run. There are few tips that you need to follow if you have high cholesterol.

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