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Tips to prevent kidney stone formation

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Why some people develop kidney stones while some don’t; is still not very clear to the researchers. However, they don’t fail to give suggestions that they believe could help prevent kidney stone formation. So, here are some of those tips that you can use to avoid kidney stone formation:-

1. Drink plenty of water daily.

2. Include watery fruits in your diet.

3. If you carry higher level of uric acid then avoid eating products like meat, fish and poultry because they elevate uric acid level in our body.

4. You can include calcium-rich diet in your meal but avoid having calcium supplements, since they may increase chances of kidney stone formation.

5. If you have just passed a kidney stone, save it so your doctor can test its composition and better understand its cause.

So, these were some of the tips that you can bring in use to shield yourself against kidney stone formation.

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Via: Medicine Net

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