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Soft Diet

lady consuming milk

Mouth, jaw and gastrointestinal problems might force an individual to opt soft foods in order to gain daily life nutrition. Dieticians recommend Soft Diet to the people suffering from these health issues.

Soft Diet

The diet is based on 7 essential steps. The success of dieter depends on the effective implementation of these steps into his/her diet.

Step 1  You must know which foods to eat and not to eat in this diet. All the foods which require chewing must be eliminated from this diet.  Eat the foods which are easy to gulp down the throat by only mashing between roof of mouth and tongue.

Step 2 Dieters are recommended to stay on a liquid based diet for few days. By the time your condition improves, you can slowly bring other foods back into your diet. Pulp free juices are excellent to consume. Jell O, tea, broth and sodas are other recommended foods.

Step 3 Yogurt, milk, oatmeal, cereals and milk shakes must be a permanent inclusion in your diet.

Step 4 Smoothies, sweet potatoes, custard, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, soups, puree, apple sauce and mashed potatoes can be included when your condition seems to get better. These foods can make the major portion of your diet.

Step 5 Usage of blender and fork must not be ignored in this diet. Blender can be used to mash and puree the foods. On the other hand, you can have baked potato can use fork to mash it before you eat. You can eat chopped pasta after mashing it with your fork.

Step 6 Cooking in a different style is necessary. You should cook the foods till the time they become soft enough to be suitable for you. Soups and stew are the options to include here.

Step 7 Enjoy desserts. You can have a piece of cake after mashing it with your fork. You are allowed to eat all the dessert foods which can be consumed in the similar fashion.

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