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Smoking is harmful for aorta

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Few bad habits sometimes proved to be risky; these bad habits affect the health of people. Smoking is one of them, people enjoy smoking but they are not aware of how much damage they are causing to their heart. If we try to quit these bad habits and than life would be more beautiful as it looked now.

Smokers can enjoy smoking — if there was no risk to their body, but smoking is considered to be very harmful for health and now a recent study says smoking harms aorta, the large blood vessel that moves blood from the heart to all parts of the body. Every one know that smoking is bad for health but smokers sometime get annoyed if someone ask them to avoid smoking as it is bad for health. A lot of experiences speak — that this act is not only harmful for aorta but also to most of the organs in the human body. So even if you like smoking please try to give up smoking because heart is very important organ and I think you guys have heard about it all before.

Cigarette smoking damages the aorta. It results in inflammation, which causes hardening of the arteries that can lead to aneurysms, which can result in sudden heart attack and can cause death. Aorta is very important for a human being – because it is the main artery that carries blood to the body except lungs, and when a person smoke he cause harm to his aorta. As there are also several other diseases that can create this particular kind of harm to aorta, but smoking is a habit, one can get rid of it. Visit a doctor as soon as possible, to get his help and advice in giving up this habit.

The researchers have reported that the aorta can be harmed by the smoking. The aorta is the main artery which carries blood to the body.

Aortic inflammation, which is associated to cigarette smoking and it, can help in hardening of the arteries. This ultimately results in heart attacks, according to researchers. So, smokers should try to give up this habit, to stay healthy with a healthy heart.

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