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Rheumatoid arthritis more severe in women!

We all know that rheumatoid arthritis may engulf both men as well as women. But a new study suggests that rheumatoid arthritis can be more severe in women than men. Researchers have come up with this finding after studying about 700 adults periodically and concluded that after five years where only 31 percent women with rheumatoid arthritis were in remission while this percentage of men was 52 percent. Another special thing about this study is that initially, rheumatoid arthritis in women was not as severe as that of men.

Results that loom out of this study indicate that rheumatoid arthritis normally comes out more severe in women comparatively. However, in the light of these findings researchers should try to pull out the radical reasons that lay behind this and should try to find a better solution.

Image credit: CSMC

Via: Health Central

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