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Cancer-Blocking Protein Spotted by Scientists!

Prostrate cancer is widely spreading all round the world. According to an estimate, this deadly cancer in US alone is engulfing every one out of six men. However, a new ray of hope has shimmered out because researchers in Hong Kong have found out that the protein known as sPDZD2 produced by the cells of prostrate cancer produces a protein p53, which may be helpful in controlling the spread of prostate cancer.

Actually, sPDZD2 encourages the growth of p53, a kind of human protein, which is known for suppressing the growth of tumors. The more the sPDZD2 grows the more it produces p53, which ultimately stints the growth of cancer cells.

In fact, this is very good news that is hiding vast stock of hopes for cancer patients. No doubt, still it may take a long time to creep out.

Via: yahoo

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