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Red meat, high-fat diet can rise colon cancer death-risk by 3 times

red meat diet linked to colon cancer deathsIf you are suffering from colon cancer, then bid a strict goodbye to red meat and other fatty foods, though it is also injurious to normal health.

Do you know, banking on diets heavy with such staffs can increase your recurrence with the killer-disease by 3 times than those who avoid them?

Though it is known to us that a high-fat diet especially red meat increase the risk of developing colon cancer itself, but the new study reveals that it also recurs the leading cancer killer risk of a person.

The fatty and junk foods can not just risk colon cancer recurrence, but also may lead to death! Thus, if you are even cured of the killer-disease, you are not at safe hands of an unhealthy and fatty diet.

This is claimed to be the first finding of ‘diet affects’ on people cured of colon cancer been found. Thus, unknowingly people falling victim to the killer-cancer even after being once cured of it just due to their fatty diets, can be saved from the painful disease.

Leading the study, Dr. Jeffrey Meyerhardt of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and Harvard Medical School said,

We know that a variety of dietary factors affect people’s risk of developing colon cancer, including high red meat intake and certain sugary foods.

This finding, in turn, may lessen the number of cases of colon-cancer death across the world.


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