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Pretty pills: The short cut to health could be scary!

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Just swallow a pill with your breakfast and there remains no need to spend hours in the gym, no need to apply time-consuming facials and anti-ageing treatments. This is the latest trend that most of the people are embracing, without giving even a slightest look at the darker side of this new idea.

In the recent years, consumer market has been gushed with such products that claim to help you attain good figure by working out on the principle called, ‘No pain but just gain’. However, if we deeply examine these so-called pills then we find that these products do more bad than good of us. In fact, these so-called drugs or pills, in order to help you attain your desired goals bring so many changes in the body mechanism that ultimately results that come to the surface prove harmful. For instance, let’s find out that how weight loose pills work. These weight loss pills contain drugs such as ephedra, caffeine, HCA, chitosan and pyruvate, etc, which supposedly increase your energy or stimulate your metabolism. This shows that how artificial changes the use of such products brings upon our health, which finally play havoc with our health. Several studies conducted earlier on these weight loose pills have shown that their consumption leads to several side effects, which mainly include:

Anxiety or nervousness


Insomnia and a feeling of restlessness or hyperactivity

High blood pressure

Tightness in the chest

Heart palpitations

Heart attack

Stroke or congestive heart failure

Digestive tract problems like vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or other stomach pain


Dry mouth



Blurred vision

Profuse sweating

Hair loss

Menstrual cycle and sex drive disturbances

Urinary tract problems

These side effects show just the tip of the iceberg while their long term side effects could be scarier. Today market is stuffed with products that should be used only after doctor’s prescription, while it is quite unfortunate that many such products are being used irrationally and thus exposing people to many deadly side effects. The only concrete solution to this problem seems that people should be made more aware against the irrational use of such products.

Via: Dailymail

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