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Perhaps cell phone has nothing to do with brain tumor!

girl with cell phone 64Using cell phone is not going to expose you to an increased risk of glioma, as previously through. Experts from the U.S. have come up transpiring this notion after studying 1,521 glioma patients and 3,301 controls.

This newly transpired view, stands head to head to the studies conducted earlier, which had dubbed cell phone use as a key factor that prompts glioma-the most common type of brain tumor.

During the course of study, researchers found no evidences to prove that cell phone use leads to glioma. However, prolonged use of cell phone for more than 10 years was found increasing the risk of glioma to some extent. On the basis of this study, it seems that researchers want to prove that there is nothing wrong in using mobile phones, especially from health point of view.

Questions still unanswered:-

May be findings of this study are true but how can we keep a blind eye to the studies conducted earlier, which had shown that use of cell phone may give rise to several life-threatening health problems. For instance:-

Mobiles connecting people with psychological problems

Mobile phones boost brain tumor risk by up to 270 per cent on side of brain where phone is held

Mobile phones increase susceptibility to ‘ear tumors risk’

Moreover, if those previous studies were not correct then how can we rely on this latest one? Besides, this fact can also not be kept visored that with the advent of mobile phones a new kind of trend has crept into the society, well know as ‘mobile addiction’.

In brief, we can say that we shall have to rethink that how far use of mobile phone is safe.

Image credit: Dreams Time

Via: Reuters

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