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Not just smoking-n-obesity: Yo-yo dieting also increases kidney cancer-risks

yo yo dieting can increase the risk of kidney canc

If you are one of those who tend to lose weight by ‘excessive dieting’ only to put it back, then be aware – you are risking your kidneys!

Yes, this cycling of weight by drastic controlling of diet – commonly known as ‘yo-yo dieting’ — may lead to cancer in your kidney. It can astonishingly be more than double the otherwise risk of developing kidney cancer in women.

It has been found that women with weight fluctuation by more than 4.5kg (10lb) on more than ten occasions during their adulthood, risk developing kidney cancer by two and a half times more compared to women with stable weight.

Dr Colin Waine of the National Obesity Forum warned,

Yo-yo dieting is never a healthy thing to do because the body never gets a chance to settle. It knocks the metabolism all to hell, which is bad for you in many ways.

So, it’s not just smoking and obesity that lead to about 31,000 new cases of kidney cancer in the US per year alone, killing about 12,000 people, especially from ‘renal cell carcinoma’ – your yo-yo dieting is also playing a vital role in the pandemic.


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