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NHS backlogged by 4 billion pounds


The NHS is the short for National Health System. It is a body that is responsible for responding to the public health needs. The UK health body has a backlog of repairs worth 4 billion pounds.

Looks like NHS has a lot of repairing to do. As reported by sources, the backlog figure is actually eight times more than the NHS surplus. According to the Health secretary of Shadow Andrew Lansley, the surplus was a ‘sham’. Personally, I think that for a health organization like this, the surplus is unacceptable.

One burning question is: What made NHS fall behind? Well, the changing government standards and regulations would be the answer. The ever changing fire safety rules, and heating standards resulted in NHS spending more money and often, more than they have. Also included are fixing leaky roofs and drainage. However, the NHS budget does not cover painting wards or fixing furniture.

As of now, NHS is the largest hospital trust in UK with the biggest backlog. Many hospitals throughout the UK are suffering because of NHS backlog. Over the year, there were situations which resulted in maintenance work getting backlogged due to crucial patient related emergencies. At least that’s comforting to know. When it comes to fixing the backlog, getting the priorities right is extremely important. But unfortunately, some operations had to be delayed to meet the backlog first.

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