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Mobile phones are not responsible for cancer

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For a long time word was going on that cell phones can trigger cancer in human beings but a latest Danish studies states that cell phones cannot be regarded as a culprit. The study was conducted on 420,000 cell phone users in Denmark which included around fifty thousand people who had been using mobile phones for more than a decade.

The details of these people was matched to the Danish Cancer Registry and it was found that mobile phone users were not at a high risk of getting cancer as compared to people who don’t use mobile phones. This study ahs found a place in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute but still the researchers feel that it won’t end this debate. It is being claimed to be the strongest study due to the outstanding registries maintained by Denmark. In order to end the speculation for ever researchers plan to track people who have used mobile phones for around three decades. Let’s hope this ends the mobile debate for ever.


Via: medlaunches

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