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Meat diet

Meat diet

It is a common misconception among us that people on a meat rich diet cannot lose weight. People don’t have the right understanding about how the body works and what are the pros and cons of eating meat.

Meat Diet

Researchers have led to the fact that high protein diet allows the dieter to lose weight by reducing appetite. High levels of protein in human blood help in preventing appetite stimulating hormones to play their role. In this way, Meat Diet becomes extremely effective as meat is the best source of protein.

Meat is also rich in vitamin B. Weight loss and vitamin B go hand in hand. Vitamin B has the ability to speed up human body’s metabolism. Chicken, pork and lean beef are beneficial dietary sources of vitamin B.

Guidelines of Meat Diet

Include more meat in your diet than normal. Protein must make 30% of the total consumed calories in a day. You are recommended to eat white meat. Opt for meat portions which are low in fat.

Dieters should reduce the intake of carbs by 50%. Consume lesser fruits, veggies, whole grains and beans. Don’t eat pastries, white rice or white bread.

It is advised to cut down fat consumption by 20%.

Eating small meals is preferred. Consume snacks between main meals to fight with hunger.

Exercise daily.

Fish, chicken, turkey, pork, beef, red meat and other forms of meat are all good to include in your diet if they are fresh, low in fat and cooked in appropriate method. You may opt to grill and broil the meat rather than frying it. Make sure you use olive oil while preparing the meals.

Eat brown rice or steamed vegetables with the meat to enjoy delicious main meals. It is recommended to construct your Meat Diet menu before you get on with the diet to have an edge in the schedule.

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