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Lung Cancer better treated with PET Scan!

A new scan called positron emission tomography (PET) highly influences the treatment of lung cancer. It can be an expensive scanning test, although helps to disclose the advancement of cancer, thereby leading to alter the plans of treatment in more improved way.

Usually, computer tomography (CT) and bone scans are used to diagnose lung cancer but PET scan further provides the exact changed condition of a patient’s lungs, allowing the specialist to take appropriate steps and alterations in the existing treatment at the right time.

Thus, PET scan is so far found to be a best treatment for lung cancer. But its expensive scanning cost may hinder common people to get treated in far better way. So, public hospitals need to provide PET scanning at reasonable cost so that most of the lung patients can avail the benefit of the scanning for getting accurate treatment easily.


Via: paktribune

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