Low carb diet

Low Calorie Diet

Low carbohydrate diet is common among people who are willing to lose weight. Excessive presence of carbohydrates in the body results in fat production. Carbohydrate is an essential nutrient required by the human body. Due to this reason, majority of the people are confused whether they should opt for low carb diet or not. The article will help you decide and choose the right low carb diet.

Does Low Carb Diet Effects Health and how?

The answer to this question can be both, “yes” or “no”. The answer of the question depends on the condition of the person looking to opt low carb diet. If your body has excessive carbs and fats then a low carb diet won’t affect your health. In fact, it will help in washing away fatty elements from your body and cleaning the internal system. On the other hand, if your body suffers from deficiency of basic nutrients then low carb diet is certainly not correct for you.

Low carb diet is perfect for the people who are looking to bring their body back in shape by reducing fats from their body.

Low Carb Diet Plan

Consistency is the key when you look to have a low carb diet plan. The diet will not show its effects if you are not consistent. We have provided plenty of options below for breakfast, lunch and dinner for you to design a perfect low carb diet plan.


  1. 3 egg whites along dash of lemon pepper and 1 slice of whole wheat bread.
  2. Half cup oatmeal (unsweetened). Add 1 table spoon brown sugar to sweeten it.
  3. 4 egg whites omelet including tomatoes, bell peppers, deli turkey, mushrooms and ketchup with whole wheat bread toast.


  1. Low fat deli sandwich with whole wheat bread along veggies and mustard sauce.
  2. Grilled or baked chicken or fish whatever you prefer more along steamed veggies and green salad.
  3. Tomato soup with other veggies and meat can be a good choice on a cold day.
  4. Baked salmon, mushrooms, green beans and cranberries can be delicious lunch for anyone.


  1. Tuna, chicken, salmon, lean turkey or white fish can be grilled, baked or pan fried in olive oil.
  2. Tuna salad and bowl of veggie soup can be perfect to ease the stomach at night.
  3. Homemade meatloaf from turkey or beef with salad.

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