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Is your child's hair infested with lice?

Is your hair infested with lice?

Head lice is a very common problem affecting millions of people, especially, school aged children. It is not a serious ailment but can cause embarrassment for you and your child in public. Head lice are small wingless parasites that live on the scalp and feed on blood from the it. They lay eggs of the size of a dandruff flake called nits and the adults are 2-3 mm long, called louse. Children can get lice because of unhygienic conditions or with close contact with people who are infected with lice.

Head lice can be treated with medications and some home remedies can also be adopted to prevent it from recurring.

Causes of Head Lice
Head lice is caused due to infestation of a parasite called louse on the scalp of an individual. It spreads via close contact with an infected person. This is very common when you interact or play with close family members or friends with head lice. Sharing of personal belongings like a towel, comb, cap, hat, and scarf can transmit this parasite. An individual can sometimes be infected by contact with contaminated home furnishings like a pillow, towel, and bed sheet etc.

Symptoms of Head Lice
1. Frequent itching in the scalp. The itching may become intense gradually and result in an allergic reaction.
2. Feeling of tickling in the hair.
3. You can observe adult lice in the scalp, neckline, and behind the ears. The nits can be seen in the hair shaft.
4. Small red bumps or sores on the scalp.

Diagnosis of Head Lice
Lice can be checked for under good lightning. You can see a lice crawling on the scalp. Or in some cases only nits can be seen in the hair shaft.

Treatment for Head Lice
Certain over-the-counter non-prescription shampoos can be used to treat head lice. These shampoos contain pyrethrin and permethrin. These are insecticides but are safe when used on humans.

Some prescription medicines are:
1. Malathion: This can be used only after 6 years of age. You apply it on to your scalp and then rub it all along the scalp.
2. Lindane: This is available in the form of a cream, lotion, or shampoo. It is toxic and can have side effects. Use it only when recommended by your doctor in the proper dosage.
3. Benzyl alcohol lotion: This is the latest treatment available for head lice. It has side effects so it is suggested to be used only after consultation with a doctor.

Physical removal of lice is also possible with a fine toothed comb that can take away lice from wet hair.

Prevention of Head Lice
1. Do not have head to head contact with other people in school, playground, parties, camps etc.
2. Do not share your comb or brush with other individuals.
3. Avoid exchanging head gear like caps, hats, scarves etc.
4. You shouldn’t share the same bed, pillow, bed linen, and towel with an infected person.
5. Keep your hair clean and wash it at regular intervals.

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