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How to add fiber to your diet

fresh vegetables

Fiber has lots of benefits and it is important that you include it in your daily diet. For most of the ailments and also for prevention of many conditions it is recommended to have a high fiber diet. It not only provides roughage but also helps to eliminate the excess fat in your body. It thus helps in reducing the blood cholesterol and sugar levels and helps to improve your quality of life.



DIY health

When you decide to take charge of your health, you will find it interesting to do healthier things your own way. Adding fiber to your diet can be very interesting as well as important for good health. You can get to know the foods that are fibrous and add them in your daily diet. You can also choose to use natural fiber supplements and learn ways to use them in your diet.

Some of the ways in which you can follow a fiber rich diet and enjoy its health benefits are:

  • Substitute the products made from refined flour with whole grain products. For example, whole grain cereal, whole grain bread or pasta, brown rice.
  • Choose breakfast cereal made up of whole grain, wheat bran or oats. These grains have natural fiber content and can be beneficial when used regularly.
  • Include fresh whole fruits instead of taking fruit juices. Whole fruits with skin and other pulp contain lots of fiber and provide roughage. Include citrus fruits, apples and berries in your daily diet.

Adding fiber supplements can be a creative task and you can choose different ideas for the same. However, it is advisable to consult a physician before using fiber supplements or laxatives so as to avoid any health problems due to excessive use.


  • Fiber supplements can be obtained from the shop and the instructions for use should be followed. They can be directly mixed with water and consumed.
  • You can add the powdered form of these supplements to your milkshakes, smoothies or soups. For example wheat germ powder and flaxseeds.
  • Wheat bran flour can be mixed with the regular flour in the desired proportion and preparations can be made according to your preference. Whole grain flour can be used for making cakes, biscuits and other nutritious cereals can also be added to them.
  • Multigrain cereals like oats, barley, soya, etc can be used in combination for making breads, pancakes, etc.
  • Grounded flaxseeds or wheat germ powder can be sprinkled on your salads and used in sandwiches.

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