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Home Remedies That You Need To Stay Away From

Stay Away

Look at the some of the home remedies you need to avoid. You should really avoid these if you want don’t want to put yourself in danger.


Butter For Burns

Butter can seal bacteria in the tissue. The kitchen staple also creates an environment for bacteria growth, irritating skin even more. If you don’t want to rely on anti-biotic creams and over-the-counter meds to soothe the injury, an aloe vera plant can provide relief.


Mayonnaise for Lice

While slathering on the white stuff can smother *some live lice, it can’t kill eggs. Plus, the condiment turns rancid fairly quickly – and is guaranteed to make a big mess. A more effective treatment: oil and vinegar.


Toothpaste for acne

Toothpaste can’t clean up pimples. If anything, the flavoring can irritate skin, resulting in more redness. If you want to go the natural route, honey acts as an anti-microbial on skin.

bigpreview_Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice

Orange juice for colds

All that extra sugar weakens white blood cells’ ability to ward off infection; glucose floods cells, making it difficult for your body to absorb vitamin-C.

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Using more mouthwash to nix bad breath

Most brands use alcohol as the main ingredient, which actually worsens breath’s scent because it dries out your mouth, making it easier for odor-causing bacteria to grow. A better approach: Brush your tongue to remove bacteria and debris that may be stuck.


Head Lice

There are also many folk remedies for getting rid of head lice. People rub petrol or kerosene on their children’s scalps, or use pesticides straight from their garden store. Other cures involve coating the head with Vaseline, olive oil or salt water. Not only are these remedies ineffective, but they can be harmful. Safe and effective preparations can be purchased from pharmacies or prescribed by your GP.


Ear Candling

Some people do have a buildup of wax that causes itching and impaired hearing and that’s where ear candling comes in. It’s marketed as an easy at-home solution for people with this problem and involves taking a candle-shaped beeswax cone, placing it in the ear, lighting it, and after the wick burns down, removing the cone  along with ear wax and other impurities. Unfortunately, lighting a flame inches from your ear isn’t exactly easy, and in fact, it can be dangerous.

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