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Heavy Drinking Can Lead to Poor Decision Making Among Young Adults

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A recent study revealed the relation of heavy binge drinking and decision making. Heavy drinkers are most likely to have poor decision making skills than those who do not drink as heavily.

The study was conducted by Dr. Anna E. Goudriaan and colleagues from the University of Missouri-Columbia. The study investigated the relation of binge drinking and behavioural decision-making in young adults. The researchers asked a group of 200 male and female college students to complete a test called Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). The IGT is a computer card game. The students were also asked to complete a questionnaire on their binge drinking habits.

Based on their binge drinking habits, the students were then divided into four groups: low, moderate, increasing, and high. The participants who belonged to the ‘high’ group performed worse. The study revealed that disadvantageous decision-making is related to binge drinking patterns in young people. And those who start binge drinking at an early age tend to have poor decision-making skills.

Goudriaan and her colleagues said,

“Although a causal link has yet to be established, our findings indicate that binge drinking at a younger age and prolonged binge drinking are associated with worse decision making.”



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