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FDA approves birth control pill that blocks menstruation cycle

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FDA has given its approval to a birth control pill ‘Lybrel’ which has the ability to stop monthly menstrual cycle of a woman.

This pill is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company Wyeth. This pill is taken twice a day and it puts a break on monthly menstrual cycle for an indefinite time period and thus helps in preventing pregnancy.

‘Lybrel’ contains 2 hormones which are generally used in several other oral contraceptives, levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Most of the women used such type of pills to prevent pregnancy. This pill ‘Lybrel’ is the first of its kind to be approved by FDA.

The company (Wyeth) conducted a study on nearly 2400 women aged 18 to 49, to know how effective is this pill?

The researching team of the study reported that 59% of the ladies who took this pill for a year had no bleeding after six months.

The FDA said in a statement:

Women who use Lybrel would not have a scheduled menstrual period, but will most likely have unplanned, breakthrough, unscheduled bleeding or spotting.

Daniel Shames, deputy director of the FDA, said:

Women may have bleeding for 4 to 5 days each month but the frequency will reduce with time. He however noted that almost half of the women in the study dropped out before that time.

‘Lybrel’ should be available in medical stores in July. This pill has reported to have few major side effects such as blood clots and strokes.

Although the pill has passed test of approval but still there are few questions related to its use. This pill is definitely proving to hinder a natural human process.

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