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Heartburn Vs Heart Attack- The Differences Explained


It can be difficult, when living a stressful life to fully identify every twinge that we feel. Movies portray heart attacks in dramatic, cinematic terms – with people slumped over on desks or the ground, writhing in pain.


However, real heart attacks are a little slyer. It can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between something as simple as a heart attack and heart burn. The reason being the proximity of the organs that do have something to do with these processes.

The oesophagus and the heart are located close to one another, and so any pain or discomfort in that area can be difficult to clearly attribute to either issue. Chest pain is a serious problem, and with most adults experiencing heartburn in their lives, fear and panic is bound to set in, even with the simplest of discomforts.

Understanding Heartburn:


Heartburn is caused by excess of stomach acid travelling back up the oesophagus. It can cause chest pain, and this can sometimes extend to the throat or up into your jaw. While the stomach is made to contend with acid, the oesophagus is not – and so, the pain arises.

According to doctors, the simple test for heartburn is this: If you belch, and the pain is relieved, you’re probably suffering from heartburn.

If the pain does not go away, it might be time to look for medical attention. Antacids are also very valuable in relieving heartburn, and these can be purchased over-the-counter in most pharmacies and supermarkets.

Having said that, acid reflux or heartburn is extremely common. Particularly today, it can often be triggered by eating a variety of foodstuffs which have made their way into our pantries and onto our plates. Heartburn can tend to be worse when lying down or just after eating.

Understanding Heart Attack:


A heart attack, however, can be characterized by sweating and shortness of breath; and must never be ignored.

  • It can encompass any of the following feelings: tightness in the chest, like a squeezingor an ache, or an unusual feeling of fullness.
  • It can also feel as if there is a very heavy weight pressing down on your chest. Importantly, a heart attack is also characterised by pain that continues beyond fifteen minutes.
  • Chest pain along with bated breath, giddiness and frequent sweating suggests that you may be at a risk for a heart attack. However, it is impossible to tell by counting up symptoms if what you are experiencing is truly a heart attack.
  • If you are suffering from a pain in your chest, doctors suggest that beyond fifteen minutes, it would be prudent to seek further medical attention, and not to delay.

It can be difficult to clarify the difference between a heart attack and other, less serious illnesses, and so therefore, someone in doubt should never merely wonder, but should seek medical attention.

Avoiding Heartburn:


Heart attack arises due to plenty of other reasons and can only be dealt with by a professional. But as far as heartburn is concerned, you can take a few precautions. There are certain things which you can do to avoid heartburn, and also to relieve the symptoms as they occur.

  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, aspirin and citrus.
  • Avoid spicy, fatty foods, as these are notorious for resulting in heart-burn. Try to stick to plenty of fresh greens and lean meat, and to drink plenty of water.
  • If you experience heartburn at night, try elevating your head and chest a little so that the contents of your stomach are kept at bay by gravity. This can be very useful if someone wishes to avoid taking antacid medication, or is unable to do so for medical reasons.
  • If you are comfortable, take over-the-counter medications.
  • See your doctor to discuss the problem. Your healthcare professional is always the best person to talk to if you are having ongoing concerns about your health. There may be a simple explanation or cure to the issue that you are unaware of.

Summing it up:

While it is possible to manage heartburn, it is advisable to always talk to your healthcare professional if something is bothering you rather than ignoring it. In a poll, it was discovered that 81% of women would call for professional help if they saw someone else that they thought might be having a heart attack, but only 65% would call for themselves.

If, at all, you find yourself falling prey to any of the above symptoms of heart attack or find someone else going through it, it is best to seek professional help instead of doing anything on your own.

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