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Healthy hair diet: 10 essential hair food



Due to environmental factors, pollution, unhealthy habits and heat, it is nearly impossible to maintain healthy shiny and smooth hair. Using a good shampoo and conditioner is not enough for hair. Apart from this a balanced diet is the most essential requirement for healthy and lustrous hair. Unhealthy diet results in hair loss, dandruff, split ends, roughness, and dull hair. Whatever we eat has a direct impact on our hair and skin. Here are 10 essential food items for our hair that must be included in our diet for healthy hair.

1. Green Vegetables

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. They help our body to produce sebum which acts as a natural conditioner. This sebum is absorbed by hair follicles and thereby keeps our hair smooth, silky and soft. They are mainly found in spinach, beans, peas and broccoli. They also provide Zinc. Include at least 1-2 bowls of green vegetables daily in your diet.

2. Beans


Beans like kidney beans or lentils are rich in iron, biotin and zinc. Biotin is very important to prevent hair loss or brittle hair. They also provide protein to hair which is essential for healthy and proper hair growth. Include 1-2 cup of beans in your diet per week. You can take them in the form of boiled beans or in salad form.

3. Nuts


Nuts are an important part of healthy hair diet. They provide minerals to hair. Walnuts, almond, groundnuts, and cashew nuts are some of the major nuts which provide nutrients to hair scalp. Walnuts are rich in alpha linolenic acid which is a part of omega 3 fatty acids which conditions hair and keeps them silky and smooth. They also provide zinc. Zinc deficiency leads to hair loss. Include a bowl of nuts in your diet per week. You can eat them in raw form.

4. Eggs


Eggs are rich sources of protein, biotin and Vitamin B-12 which are essential for strong, silky and smooth hair. Egg is one of the most important food items which provide plenty of protein. You can eat it as you want whether its boiled, fried, in the form of omelets or in the form of any recipe. Eat one egg daily if there is hair loss. Otherwise eat 2-3 eggs per week.

5. Poultry


Chicken and meat provide essential protein for healthy hair. Protein deficiency results in frizzy, brittle, dull and rough hair. They provide iron which is very essential for forming blood in body. Include poultry food items in your diet once a week for healthy hair.

6. Carrots


Carrots are rich in Vitamin A. Shiny, smooth and silky hairs are result of healthy scalp. Vitamin A is needed for healthy scalp and for good vision. Deficiency of Vitamin A leads to hair loss and split ends. Eat 2-3 carrots once-a-week.

7. Dairy products

Dairy products

Dairy products like milk, yogurt are rich sources of calcium which is a very important mineral and is needed for proper hair growth. They also provide high quality proteins. Use skimmed milk as it is low in fat content. Include milk and yogurt in your daily diet. Use only low fat cheese.

8. Whole grains

Whole grains

They are rich sources of zinc, iron and essential vitamins and minerals to the body. Fortified cereals, whole wheat bread are rich in zinc and iron. Include them in daily diet. Use whole wheat bread instead of all purpose flour bread.

9. Fruits


Oranges, banana, all citrus fruits, grapes, mango, and watermelon are rich in iron and other essential Vitamins and minerals. Oranges are rich in folic acid and Vitamin C. Potatoes, berries, tomatoes, and melons are also rich in Vitamin C. Eat one fruit daily to have smooth, silky and healthy hair.

10. Water


Water is most essential for hair growth. Drink 8-10 glasses of water in a day. Water keeps your body and hair scalp hydrated and also remove toxins from body. It transports mineral, vitamins and amino acid to scalp of hair. You can also drink fruits juice, lime water and soups apart from water when you feel thirsty. Avoid soft drinks, soda and alcohol. They may harm your hair by making them rough and brittle.

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