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Hair mask solutions to keep your hair safe from pollution’s adverse effects

Your hair care is equally important as your skin care.With every day travelling due to work, not only does your skin gets affected due to the pollution so does your hair too. The outcome is dry,dirty and a poorly nourished hair. Hair masks can be the best suggestion to give the proper nourishment to your hair and make it silky smooth.

Some popular hair mask brands are:

It’s a 10 miracle

This hair mask is received by a plethora of good reviews. With fast results,this awesome hair treatment renews your hair quality without any restrictions. It has a revitalizing technique that removes the knots from your hair, hydrates it and improves elasticity.Also, this hair mask creates the ideal shiny look in your hair, making it soft, smooth and rendering it great strength.

Kerastase Nutritive Nutri-thermique hair Mask

Kerastase Nutritive Nutri-thermique hair Mask

This hair mask is ideal for a dry and dull hair. The Kerastase Nutritive Nutri-thermique hair Mask hydrates the hair by moisturizing its scalp. Its use is vital for anyone who is frequently exposed to the pollution and dust, as it forms a protective shield around each follicle, thus,giving the necessary care that your hair requires.

Percy & Reed Totally TLC Hydrating masks

Percy & Reed Totally TLC Hydrating masks

This mask offers the best conditioning ingredients like Aloe-Vera, coconut oil, Marshmallow extracts etc.This makes the hair voluminous and greatly nourished. It assures hair protection by forming a defensive seal around the cuticle. Not just pollution, it also gives a proper treatment of damaged hair subjected to chemicals and excessive heating.

Macademia natural oil Moisturizing Rinse

Macademia natural oil Moisturizing Rinse

This product constitutes of powerful mixtures like Aloe-Vera, Macademia oil, Algae Extract, Argan oil, Chamomile oil and Tea-Tree oil. These natural elements create wonders for your hair quality by rejuvenating the hair. It retains the smooth, silky and elasticity that your hair used to have. This one is definitely worth the try.

Klorane mask with papyrus milk

Klorane mask with papyrus milk

This mask is made up of special constituents like Papyrus. Well, Papyrus is a herb that grows extensively in Egypt around the Meditarenean sea.  Since ancient times, this herb has been known to be an excellent medicine for dull and dry hair. Papyrus milk is a great ingredient for a damaged hair.

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