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Seven foods men should avoid eating

Milk Diet

Health and energy of a body mostly relies on the life style and the nutrition one follows. Genetics too play an important role but it is the eating habits that convert those risks into serious health problems. American Dietetic Association stated that men need a different diet chart than women. They require food rich in calories, proteins, carbohydrates and nutrients. A diet that includes vegetables, unsaturated fats, fruits, grains and lean proteins help in achieving proper health. Apart from this, men must know what food items to avoid that cause harm to their health.

Here we discuss some food habits which men should avoid.

1. Soy milk and its products

Soy milk

In a recent study of Harvard University, they found that consumption of soy products could reduce the sperm concentration by larger amount. And further risk of fertility lies with the obesity and over weight problems. The ingredients of soy foods are called isoflavone phytoestrogens. This affects the fertility in men and harms the sex hormones of both genders. It has been observed that people who consume soy products have decreased sperm count by about 41 million while the normal count being of 80-120 million per milliliter. Thus, people thinking of having a child should reduce the consumption of soy food products.

2. Processed Sugar

Processed Sugar

Empty calories refer to processed and refined sugar. It has least nutrients such as fibers, minerals and vitamins and has an alarming caloric value. The excessive intake of processed and refined sugar leads to gain in weight and for men, the waistline is affected. As per the studies of United States Department of Agriculture, it is actually carbohydrates and result in a fat belly, an issue for men and women both. If someone really wants to lose weight then keep yourself miles away from milk chocolate, cake, ice cream, candy, etc.

3. Fat meals

Fat meal

No health issue arises in one day. It’s a gradual process and the eating habit result shows their effect in the form of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and other diseases of heart. Fatty meals contain saturated fat and it has been considered as one of the major causes of health problems. A study of Harvard University stated that people who consumed red meat two times in a day are prone to heart diseases by about thirty percent as compared to people who eat twice or thrice in a week. It’s better to avoid eating bacon, sausage, turkey, fried chicken and steak.

4. Dairy products

Dairy product

People who are in the habit of consuming milk and are too much fond of ice cream, suffer from gas issue. It is even more risky, if people consume dairy products in large amount on daily basis. In a study of Johns Hopkins University, stated that the one who takes these products in large amount is prone to have metastatic prostate cancer. It’s better to keep an eye on your the ice cream and cheese content in the diet.

5. Enriched flour

Enriched flour

Enriched is wrongly assumed to be full of extra nutrients. But it’s not so. These products have fewer amounts of proteins, nutrients and fibers as compared to the whole grains. In whole grains, there is less risk of colon cancer due to improved fibers but in enriched flour they have depleted amounts of fiber and vitamins. Thus, this poses higher risk of colon cancer affecting bowel movements too. One must keep away from pizza crust, pasta, pastries, cakes, breads, etc.

6. Fried food

Fried food

Restaurants these days have a menu mostly containing fried food and is rich in Tran’s fat and saturated fat. These include onion rings, French fries, mozzarella sticks, potato chips and the list continues. These foods items contain Tran’s fat which increases LDL cholesterol level at the same time reduces the HDL cholesterol level. In a study of University of California, stated that those having fried food have cholesterol level higher by about 12% than others. It’s better to avoid excessive intake of French fries and fried chicken. Occasionally consumption is not an issue. While buying packaged fried stuff, check the ingredient list. If it has hydrogenated vegetable oil, don’t buy it.

7. Beer


Men who consume larger amount of beer run the risk of suffering from pseudo-gynecomastia, male breast enlargement. Apart from this, large intake of empty calories increases the waistline. Beer contains oestrogen, a kind of plant estrogen which is harmful for the body.

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