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Foods essential for the healthy growth of a child

The scattered bag with wheat of a grain

Child malnutrition and child obesity both are truths that modern parents often have to face. In most families, both parents are working and have their own careers to take care of. Children eat processed foods far too often for this reason and tend to grow fat or show symptoms of acute malnutrition.

During puberty, children must get the proper amount of nutrients for development and growth. This is the time when their brain becomes matured along with their body. Bone development leads to the growth of their height. The body requires a balanced diet with high amounts of iron, calcium, and vitamins. Instead of giving your kids vitamin and mineral supplements, try to bring some positive changes in their diet plans. In the following, some remedies have been discussed for the proper growth of your children.

Whole grain bread: 

The processed flour and rice do not have all the vital nutrients necessary for children. Whole-grain bread is far healthier even if not as tasty as the processed flour bread. Make healthy sandwiches with fish, garlic butter, veggies, and eggs using the whole grain bread and burgers with the homemade meat patty. Always buy flour after reading labels like ‘100% whole wheat’ or ‘whole grain.’

Give them more calcium: 

Growing children require more calcium for the development of their bones. Lack of calcium can cause bone-related diseases, prevent growth, and may even lead to osteoporosis later on. Generally, calcium-rich foods like milk and egg are also the main source of vitamin D. Instead of packaged juices, give your children soy milk, cow milk, cottage cheese, cheese, and yogurt.

Foods that offer Vitamin E:

Not many parents know the importance of vitamin E in their children’s lives. This vitamin prevents cell damage and nourishes the skin. Around 80% of kids do not get a sufficient dosage of vitamin E. The best sources of this vital nutrient are avocadoes, tomatoes, nuts, peanut butter, wheat germ, and spinach. You may try to find other good sources of this vitamin and child-friendly recipes. Give your kids 4-6 water-soaked almonds to eat in the morning as it is rich in vitamin E and several other vital nutrients.

Protein and some more protein: 

Kids aged from 9 to 13 needs to consume at least 34 gm of protein every day. Some of the healthy sources of proteins include lean meats, fish, chicken, eggs, and dairy products. If you are vegan and raising your kids with the same belief system then give them soy milk, tofu, beans, and nuts regularly as they are also rich sources of proteins.

Wholesome foods: 

It is true that during the growth period children need more calcium, protein, and vitamins but the stress should be put on giving them a balanced diet. Other nutrients and minerals are also necessary for the complete growth and development of children. Most foods offer more than one vital nutrient so you need not be too worried about a healthy diet. Rather cook meals at home and encourage your kids to eat more fruits, dairy products, and vegetables. On weekends cook along with your kids so that they learn to make simple nutritious snacks. Sweet potatoes are high on Vitamin A whereas spinach is the source of iron. Get creative in the kitchen so your kids get the right amount of nutrients every day.

Don’t underestimate the fibers: 

Our organs and physiological systems are all interconnected. Fibers help in cleaning your digestive organs and help in excretion. Some of the best sources of fiber are fruits, cereals, lentils, chickpeas, oatmeal, and flaxseeds.

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