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Eggs, eggs, eggs, and more eggs fight egg allergy!

If your kid is allergic to eggs, what would you do to help him? Will ask him not to eat eggs? No, you’re wrong. Surprisingly, the best way is to encourage him to eat more eggs because a new study, done by researchers at the Duke University Medical center and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, reveals that children allergic to eggs can overcome it by eating more eggs.

Polishing out their conclusion A. Wesley Burks, M.D., chief of Duke’s Division of Allergy and Immunology and a senior member of the research team avers:

Participants who took a daily dose of egg product over the two-year study period were able to build up their bodies’ resistance to the point where most of them could eat two scrambled eggs without a reaction.

With the passage of time children easily develop resistance to egg allergy. Moreover, eggs are known as a complete diet and if you ask your kid to leave it then it means that he will be missing the most important part of his nutritious diet.

Image credit: Onekama

Via: sawf

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