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FDA shown green flag to cervical cancer vaccine

Gardasil, the vaccine that prevents infection from the two strains of HPV, is accountable for just about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases. It was shown green flag by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This is an unparalleled move towards preventing the deadly infection that has been targeting millions of girls and young women. The analysts are of the estimation that the vaccine can shortly be availed in Canada as well. HPV is considered the ubiquitous virus among the girls and young women, who are sexually very active at the age of fourteen, fifteen and sixteen.

Now, good news for them! They would have an opportunity to take a vaccine that claims to protect from the fatal disease. It has also been clarified that the vaccine Gardasil may not be able to protect the women already in the grip of it, and there may be possible increase in their risk of lesions, which can take to cervical cancer.


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