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Fatherhood – The dream could soon be true

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Many dreams of being a father have been made true by the process of replenishing ‘nurse-maid’ Sertoli cells; by researchers in Australia. The initiatives taken by researchers like Dr. Sarah Meachem, of Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research in Victoria and Professor Richard Sharpe, of the Medical Research Council’s human reproductive sciences unit in Edinburgh have discovered that the ‘nurse-maid’ Sertoli cells in the testes are sometimes absent in men; depriving them from being a father.

Added to this discovery; the New Scientist magazine reports, that these cells can be

matured by raising levels of one of the hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH.

The miracle was done by means of replenishing these cells to nourish sperm in a later life to beget children. As this Cell therapy has declared that it can boost the sperm count, there is no doubt to the fact that it has raised hopes of 1.5 million men. After all, being a father is equally a wonderful feeling as being a mother.

Via – DailyMail

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