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Every time antibiotics won't work the same way!

Whenever we feel unwell, first thing that comes to our mind is medicine, particularly antibiotics. However, it is important to note that every time antibiotics don’t work the same way. Well, following are some of the important issues pertaining to antibiotics’ use:

Viruses are often at the root behind bronchitis and coughs. So, chances are higher that using antibiotics would help you regain your lost health.

Recent studies have proved that viruses cause most colds and flues; therefore, using antibiotics won’t help.

Where using antibiotics against sore throat won’t help, but it would prove quite effective against strep throat.

Sinus infections are usually bacterial, and need treatment with antibiotics.

These are some of the facts, helping you know where use of antibiotics would help and where it won’t.


Via: Medicine Net

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