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Effective tips to help you battle that unsightly facial fat

Blow balloons to battle facial fat

Facial fat makes people look bulky and takes away the charm that the face used to have when it was slim. Many people, especially women keep complaining about their facial fat and double chin they feel takes a major share of their beauty and leaves them disheartened. Well, there is no need to feel the disheartenment as you can try out the following ways that are quite efficient in reducing facial fat and the widespread problem of double chin.

Facial Massage

Facial massages so effectively take away facial fat that it feels like you just had a face-lift without any surgery. The most basic problem that bloats face is inflammation in certain areas like cheek and jaw. To escape inflammation you should give your face a nice regular massage that restarts proper blood circulation, cures inflammation, and solves the problem of water retention that bloats your face.

Sufficient intake of water

The toxins inside our body are also responsible for the bloating of face. If you will keep yourself well hydrated with sufficient intake of water and juices everyday it will take out all the toxins from your body, which means no further bloating of face.

Lesser intake of fats and sugar

When a person puts on weight, it first effects the face, as in makes it fat and chubby. You should keep control on the intake of fats and you should ensure that you take a balanced diet every day. Once you minimize fats and sugar intake, your bodyweight will be in control, and automatically your face would get rid of the unnecessary fats.

Facial Exercises

Besides everyday food habits and overall lifestyle, some facial exercises are of tremendous help to keep one’s face free from unnecessary fats.

Smiling Fish Exercise:

Perfect exercise that tones cheeks and makes them firm. A superb exercise effectively reduces the flabby fat on cheeks and makes them fab without any surgery. You need to suck in your cheeks to make a fish pout and then try smiling. Hold that pout for a minimum of 10 seconds and do it all again for at least five times. This exercise targets fat mainly on your chin and on your lower cheeks.

Face stretching exercise:

Facial stretching strengthens facial muscles, reduce fats on the chin and cheeks, make cheekbones stronger, releases facial tension, and obviously gives your face a nice slim definition. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, stretch it as if you want to touch it on your chin. Hold the pose for ten seconds and repeat for a minimum of five or more.

Rotating tongue exercise:

A very simple yet effective facial exercise, as for this you only require to move your tongue inside your mouth in a circular motion. While moving your tongue ensure that it touches the outer side of upper and lower teeth.

Blow balloons:

Blowing balloons is fun and is beneficial for your chubby cheeks and face, as it tones facial muscles and help it slim down. Make it a point to blow a balloon at least ten times a day and do this every day. In a matter of five days, you would realize a big difference in your facial fat.

Chewing Gum:

Yet another fun exercise that burns facial flat and cuts down the facial flab. Chew gum every day, chewing sugar free gum is advisable, and chewing after meals is extremely effective.

One can get rid of the facial fat with slight changes in lifestyle and with the help of some simple yet effective facial exercises.

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