Easy ways to add fruits and veggies to your diet


Eating lot of fruits and veggies is essential for good health. When a person wants to stay healthy, eating right becomes important. A healthy diet provides all essential nutrients and vitamins to the body.

For a healthy lifestyle, you must cut down the junk from the diet. When changing the diet plan, it becomes tough to change eating habits all of a sudden. Here are few easy and simple ways to make your diet healthier and adding fruits and veggies to your diet.

Boost breakfast

When running late for work or school, we tend to skip our breakfast. Nothing can be as bad as skipping breakfast, as it is the most essential meal of the day. Eating breakfast not only jumpstarts your metabolism, but boosts performance at school or office. Have breakfast and make it healthy. Add lots of fruits and veggies to the breakfast. Adding banana smoothie or vegetable soup will suffice for a good breakfast. You can also add veggies like pepper, mushrooms, and spinach to your breakfast for getting all essential nutrients.

Do not forget to eat salad

An easy way to add veggies and fruits to the diet is to encourage eating salad. You can make salad out of any vegetable and fruit. Not only are they delicious, but they are also full of nutrients and proteins. Make salad an essential part of every meal, so that with every meal, you are getting essential nutrients for your body.

Add flavors for making veggies tempting

Many people avoid eating veggies for a general dislike of their taste. You can make things tastier and tempting by just adding some good spices for adding flavors. Adding flavors to veggies will make them delicious. You can make the foods tastier by adding some herbs and spices, which you feel can add some good taste to you food.

Keep fruit and veggies in line of sight

When feeling hungry, you will jump on the food, which is placed close to you. Keeping fruits and veggies in front of your sight, you will eat them whenever you feel hungry. Keep fruits that you can eat easily when you are hungry. Bananas, oranges, watermelon, and other juicy fruits will help in staying hydrated for longer hours, also giving you the feeling of fullness. It is quite an easy way to add fruits and veggies to the diet.


When you want to stay healthy and foster a balanced diet, consider eating fruits and veggies. Not only they provide the essential nutrients and vitamins, but helps in maintaining the slimmer waist and flat belly.

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